Crisis Intervention
& Advocacy
Through Mosaic Georgia’s advocacy services, someone is there for you every step of the way.
Call our toll-free 24/7 crisis line for support: 866-900-6019
When someone experiences a personal violation of sexual harm, many emotions and thoughts run through one’s mind. The experience is complicated when the person who coerced or forced the abuse/assault is part of the victim’s family, work or social group. Advocates are safe to talk to and explore options. There is no judgment. Adults may choose to receive services without reporting to law enforcement.
Mosaic Georgia complies with the Georgia mandated reporting requirements under OCGA 19-7-5.
Human Trafficking: call 866-363-4842 or to seek help or report suspected trafficking.
CSEC Advocacy
Our team provides special services for victims of commercial sexual exploitation of children (CSEC), also known as human- or sex-trafficking. We coordinate with child welfare and law enforcement agencies and work with the youth and their families.
How We Help
When a child, teen, or adult experiences a personal violation of sexual harm, many thoughts and emotions run through one’s mind. Advocates are safe to talk to and explore options without judgment. Adults may choose to receive services without reporting to law enforcement.
When a child, teen, or adult experiences a personal violation of sexual harm, many thoughts and emotions run through one’s mind. The experience is complicated when the person who coerced or forced the encounter is known to or part of the victim’s family or social group.
Advocates are safe to talk to and explore options. There is no judgment. Adults may choose to receive services without reporting to law enforcement. We assist with:
24/7 Crisis Intervention and Emotional Support
Our team of advocates provide direct and indirect support by phone or in person to victims and their non-offending caregivers/family members during a time of crisis. The 24-hour crisis line is also accessible to law enforcement and other professionals in need of services and information.
Medical Accompaniment
Our team of advocates provide medical accompaniment before, during, and after a forensic medical exam.
Victim Advocacy
Our team of victim advocates provide emotional support to the victim before, during, and after a forensic medical exam and/or forensic interview.
Family Advocacy
Our team of family advocates provide emotional support to non-offending caregivers and their family members before, during, and after a forensic medical exam and/or forensic interview. They also provide community resources for the child and family.
Follow Up Medical Care
Our team of advocates provide accompaniment during follow up medical appointments at Mosaic Georgia.
Legal Advocacy
Our team of advocates are able to answer the questions regarding the process of the investigation and prosecution of perpetrators, provide safety planning and court accompaniment during the criminal justice process.
Georgia Crime Victim Compensation application
Our team of advocates are able to assist victims and their non-offending caregivers with the Georgia Crime Victims Compensation application.
Counseling Referrals
Our team of advocates are able to provide referrals to independent, professionally licensed counselors in the community.
Information Referrals
Our team of advocates are able to provide referrals to community-based organizations that assist with specific needs (i.e., shelters, rent assistance, food assistance, etc.).
Follow Up Case Management
Our team of advocates follow up with the victim and/or caregiver after they have been seen at the center for a forensic medical exam and/or interview.